[译] JavaScript 开发者经常忽略或误用的七个基础知识点

JerryXia 发表于 , 阅读 (10,167)
  • Original: [7 JavaScript Basics Many Developers Aren't Using



JavaScript, at its base, is a simple language that we continue to evolve
with intelligent, flexible patterns. We've used those patterns in
JavaScript frameworks which fuel our web applications today. Lost in
JavaScript framework usage, which many new developers are thrust right
into, are some of the very useful JavaScript techniques that make basic
tasks possible. Here are seven of those basics:

JavaScript 框架中,今天这些框架又驱动了我们的 Web
应用程序。很多新手开发者被各种强大的 JavaScript
框架吸引进来,但他们却忽略了框架身后浩如星海的 JavaScript

1. String.prototype.replace:/gand/iFlags

1. 在String.prototype.replace方法中使用/g和/i标志位

One surprise to many JavaScript newbies is that String'sreplacemethod
doesn't [replace all occurrences of the
needle](http://davidwalsh.name/javascript-replace) -- just the first

  1. Of course seasoned JavaScript vets know that a regular
  2. and the global flag (/g) need to be used:

令很多 JavaScript 初学者意外的是,字符串的replace方法并不会

<div class="highlight">

// Mistake // 踩到坑了 var str = "David is an Arsenal fan, which means David is great"; str.replace("David", "Darren"); // "Darren is an Arsenal fan, which means David is great" // Desired // 符合预期 str.replace(/David/g, "Darren"); // "Darren is an Arsenal fan, which means Darren is great" 


Another basic logical mistake is not ignoring case when case is not
critical to the validation (letters may be uppercase or lowercase), so
the/iflag is also useful:


<div class="highlight">

str.replace(/david/gi, "Darren"); // "Darren will always be an Arsenal fan, which means Darren will always be great" 



Every JavaScript developer has been bitten by each of the flags in the
past -- so be sure to use them when when appropriate!

每个 JavaScript

2. Array-Like Objects and Array.prototype.slice

2. 类数组对象和Array.prototype.slice方法

Array's slice method is principally for grabbing segments of an array.
What many developers don't know is that slice can be used to covert
Array-like objects like arguments, NodeLists, and attributes into true
arrays of data:


<div class="highlight">

var nodesArr = Array.prototype.slice.call(document.querySelectorAll("div")); // "true" array of DIVs // 得到一个由 div 元素组成的“真正的”数组 var argsArr = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments); // changes arguments to "true" array // 把 arguments 转换成一个“真正的”数组 


You can even clone an array using a simpleslicecall:


<div class="highlight">

var clone = myArray.slice(0); // naive clone // 浅克隆 



Array.prototype.sliceis an absolute gem in the world of JavaScript, one
that even novice JavaScript developers don't know the full potential of.

Array.prototype.slice绝对是 JavaScript 世界中的一玫珍宝,但 JavaScript

3. Array.prototype.sort


The Arraysortmethod is vastly
underused and probably a bit more powerful than most developers believe.
Many developers would assume sort would do something like this:


<div class="highlight">

[1, 3, 9, 2].sort(); // Returns: [1, 2, 3, 9] // 返回 [1, 2, 3, 9] 


...which is true, but sort has more powerful uses, like this:


<div class="highlight">

[ { name: "Robin Van PurseStrings", age: 30 }, { name: "Theo Walcott", age: 24 }, { name: "Bacary Sagna", age: 28 } ].sort(function(obj1, obj2) { // Ascending: first age less than the previous // 实现增序排列:前者的 age 小于后者 return obj1.age - obj2.age; }); // Returns:  // [ //    { name: "Theo Walcott", age: 24 }, //    { name: "Bacary Sagna", age: 28  }, //    { name: "Robin Van PurseStrings", age: 30 } // ] 


You can sort objects by property, not just simple basic items. In the
event that JSON is sent down from the server and objects need to be
sorted, keep this in mind!

JSON 数据,而且其中的对象需要排序,你可别忘了这一招!

4. Array Length for Truncation

4. 用length属性来截断数组

There's not a developer out there that hasn't been bitten by
JavaScript's pass-objects-by-reference nature. Oftentimes developers
will attempt to empty an array but
mistakenly create a new one instead:

几乎所有开发者都踩过 JavaScript

<div class="highlight">

var myArray = yourArray = [1, 2, 3]; // :( // 囧 myArray = []; // `yourArray` is still [1, 2, 3] // `yourArray` 仍然是 [1, 2, 3] // The right way, keeping reference // 正确的方法是保持引用 myArray.length = 0; // `yourArray` and `myArray` both [] // `yourArray` 和 `myArray`(以及其它所有对这个数组的引用)都变成 [] 了 


What these developers probably realize is that objects are passed by
reference, so while setting myArray to[]does create a new array, other
references stay the same! Big mistake! Use array truncation instead.

坑里的人们终于明白,原来传对象只是在传引用。因此当我把 myArray

5. Array Merging with push

5. 使用push来合并数组

I showed in point 2 that Array's slice and apply can do some cool stuff,
so it shouldn't surprise you that other Array methods can do the same

  1. This time we can merge arrays with thepushmethod:

在上面的第 2

<div class="highlight">

var mergeTo = [4,5,6]; var mergeFrom = [7,8,9]; Array.prototype.push.apply(mergeTo, mergeFrom); mergeTo; // is: [4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] 


A wonderful example of a lessor-known, simple native method for
completing the basic task of array merging.



6. Efficient Feature/Object Property Detection

6. 高效探测功能特性和对象属性

Oftentimes developers will use the following technique to detect a
browser feature:


<div class="highlight">

if(navigator.geolocation) { // Do some stuff // 在这里干点事情 } 


While that works correctly, it isn't always efficient, as that method of
object detection can initialize resources in the browser. In the past,
the snippet above caused memory leaks in some browsers. The better and
more efficient route is checking for a key within an object:


<div class="highlight">

if("geolocation" in navigator) { // Do some stuff // 在这里干点事情 } 


This key check is as simple as it gets and may avoid memory problems.
Also note that if the value of a property is falsy, your check will fail
despite the key being present.


7. Event preventDefault and stopPropagation

7. 事件对象的preventDefault和stopPropagation方法

Oftentimes we trigger functionality when action elements like links are

  1. Obviously we don't want the browser to follow the link upon
    click, so we use our handy JavaScript library'sEvent.stopmethod:

JavaScript 类库的Event.stop方法:

<div class="highlight">

$("a.trigger").on("click", function(e) { e.stop(); // Do more stuff // 在这里干点事情 }); 


false;吧。语法看起来像 jQuery,但 jQuery 并没有这个方法,而且 jQuery

The problem with this lazy method of stopping the event is that not only
does it prevent the default action, but it stops propagation of the
event, meaning other event listeners for the elements wont fire because
they don't know about the event. It's best to simply usepreventDefault!


Seasoned JavaScript developers will see this post and say "I knew
those," but at one point or another, they got tripped up on some of
these points. Be mindful of the little things in JavaScript because they
can make a big difference.

JavaScript 中的各种小细节,失之毫厘谬以千里啊!
