Effective C# 原则42:使用特性进行简单的反射

JerryXia 发表于 , 阅读 (1,555)



让我们为创建一个框架的插件来开始动手写代码吧。你须要通过Assembly.LoadFrom() 函数来加载一个程序,而且要找到这个可能提供菜单句柄的类型。然后须要创建这个类型的一个实例对象。接着还要找到这个实例对象上可以与菜单命令事件句柄的申明相匹配的方法。完成这些任务之后,你还须要计算在菜单的什么地方添加文字,以及什么文字。



// Find all the assemblies in the Add-ins directory:
string AddInsDir = string.Format( "{0}/Addins",
  Application.StartupPath );
string[] assemblies = Directory.GetFiles( AddInsDir, "*.dll" );
foreach ( string assemblyFile in assemblies )
  Assembly asm = Assembly.LoadFrom( assemblyFile );
  // Find and install command handlers from the assembly.


// Define the Command Handler Custom Attribute:
[AttributeUsage( AttributeTargets.Class )]
public class CommandHandlerAttribute : Attribute
  public CommandHandlerAttribute( )

这个特性就是你须要为每个命令标记的所有代码。总是用AttributeUsage 特性标记一个特性类,这就是告诉其它程序以及编译器,在哪些地方这个特性可以使用。前面这个例子表示CommandHandlerAttribute只能在类上使用,它不能应用在其它语言的元素上。

你可以调用GetCustomAttributes来断定某个类是否具有CommandHandlerAttribute特性。只有具有该特性的类型才是插件的候选类型 :

// Find all the assemblies in the Add-ins directory:
string AddInsDir = string.Format( "{0}/Addins", Application.StartupPath);
string[] assemblies = Directory.GetFiles( AddInsDir, "*.dll" );
foreach ( string assemblyFile in assemblies )
  Assembly asm = Assembly.LoadFrom( assemblyFile );
  // Find and install command handlers from the assembly.
  foreach( System.Type t in asm.GetExportedTypes( ))
    if (t.GetCustomAttributes(
      typeof( CommandHandlerAttribute ), false ).Length > 0 )
      // Found the command handler attribute on this type.
      // This type implements a command handler.
      // configure and add it.
    // Else, not a command handler. Skip it.


[AttributeUsage( AttributeTargets.Property ) ]
public class DynamicMenuAttribute : System.Attribute
  private string _menuText;
  private string _parentText;

  public DynamicMenuAttribute( string CommandText,
    string ParentText )
    _menuText = CommandText;
    _parentText = ParentText;

  public string MenuText
    get { return _menuText; }
    set { _menuText = value; }

  public string ParentText
    get { return _parentText; }
    set { _parentText = value; }



// Expanded from the first code sample:
// Find the types in the assembly
foreach( Type t in asm.GetExportedTypes( ) )
  if (t.GetCustomAttributes(
    typeof( CommandHandlerAttribute ), false).Length > 0 )
    // Found a command handler type:
    ConstructorInfo ci =
      t.GetConstructor( new Type[0] );
    if ( ci == null ) // No default ctor
    object obj = ci.Invoke( null );
    PropertyInfo [] pi = t.GetProperties( );

    // Find the properties that are command
    // handlers
    foreach( PropertyInfo p in pi )
      string menuTxt = "";
      string parentTxt = "";
      object [] attrs = p.GetCustomAttributes(
        typeof ( DynamicMenuAttribute ), false );
      foreach ( Attribute at in attrs )
        DynamicMenuAttribute dym = at as 
        if ( dym != null )
          // This is a command handler.
          menuTxt = dym.MenuText;
          parentTxt = dym.ParentText;
          MethodInfo mi = p.GetGetMethod();
          EventHandler h = mi.Invoke( obj, null )
            as EventHandler;
          UpdateMenu( parentTxt, menuTxt, h );

private void UpdateMenu( string parentTxt, string txt,
  EventHandler cmdHandler )
  MenuItem menuItemDynamic = new MenuItem();
  menuItemDynamic.Index = 0;
  menuItemDynamic.Text = txt;
  menuItemDynamic.Click += cmdHandler;

  //Find the parent menu item.
  foreach ( MenuItem parent in mainMenu.MenuItems )
    if ( parent.Text == parentTxt )
      parent.MenuItems.Add( menuItemDynamic );
  // Existing parent not found:
  MenuItem newDropDown = new MenuItem();
  newDropDown.Text = parentTxt;
  mainMenu.MenuItems.Add( newDropDown );
  newDropDown.MenuItems.Add( menuItemDynamic );

现在你将要创建一个命令句柄的示例。首先,你要用CommandHandler 特性标记类型,正如你所看到的,我们习惯性的在附加特性到项目上时,在名字上省略Attribute:

Now you'll build a sample command handler. First, you tag the type with the CommandHandler attribute. As you see here, it is customary to omit Attribute from the name when attaching an attribute to an item:

public class CmdHandler
  // Implementation coming soon.

在CmdHandler 类里面,你要添加一个属性来取回命令句柄。这个属性应该用DynamicMenu 特性来标记:

[DynamicMenu( "Test Command", "Parent Menu" )]
public EventHandler CmdFunc
    if ( theCmdHandler == null )
      theCmdHandler = new System.EventHandler
    return theCmdHandler;

private void DynamicCommandHandler(
  object sender, EventArgs args )
  // Contents elided.

就是这了。这个例子演示了你应该如何使用特性来简化使用反射的程序设计习惯。你可以用一个特性来标记每个类型,让它提供一个动态的命令句柄。当你动态的载入这个程序集时,可以更简单的发现这个菜单命令句柄。通过应用AttributeTargets (另一个特性),你可以限制动态命令句柄应用在什么地方。这让从一个动态加载的程序集上查找类型的困难任务变得很简单:你确定从很大程度上减少了使用错误类型的可能。这还不是简单的代码,但比起不用特性,还算是不错的。


